Conversion Stories
How does someone choose to be Catholic? Were they born that way? How or why did God touch their hearts? Here are some
inspirational "Conversion Stories" that I would like to share with you.
Conversion Story Father James Farfaglia.pdf
- Father James Farfaglia is the Pastor of St. Helena of the True Cross of Jesus Catholic Church in Corpus Christi,
Texas. Originally from Ridgefield, CT., Father has founded and developed apostolates for the Catholic Church in Spain,
Italy, Mexico, Canada and throughout the United States. From his website, I have borrowed this conversion story.
Christian Meert Conversion Story
Let's see.... I don't want to get too close to religion... especially the Catholic Church... I can talk to God myself. I don't need a 'middleman.'
Who do you think Jesus would send for handling a tough conversion experience? Probably His Mother would be my guess. Join us and read the conversion
of a comfortable, in-control man of the 1980's. Read and smile to yourself just as the Blessed Virgin Mary smiled -- and sort of said, ''You
don't have to introduce your family members to me -- I know each of them quite well.'' And by the way -- after reading this story -- if you'd like to
contact Christian -- go to http://www.catholicmarriagepreponline.com/
The Meerts are very involved in loving marriage preparation for Catholic couples, either on-line or in person in Colorado.