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Reflections on Catholic Faith - October 2008 - Falling in Love (Again) With The Little Flower -- St. Therese of Lisieux

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October 27, 2008

Note: The following reflection was done for broadcast on the Lisa Hendey podcast found at www.catholicmoments.com It is recorded there as a part of Lisa’s regular weekly program. For this month of October, I am doing five ‘reflections’ on The Little Flower. You can listen on-line on your computer, on your IPOD – or read them here. Blessings. DT.


The clock chime on the theme I use for Deacon Moments reminds me that I have but 3 and ½ minutes to complete our look at this woman I love – this woman of love. Would that I had 33 more programs because I know there are many who have tried but never finished reading her life story. Some return to her autobiography later to find the words springing to life – and a spiritual turning point begins as someone anew discovers the beautiful Little Way of Therese.

So many areas of her writings have stirred my heart and soul. Just yesterday, my wife and I were driving in Arizona and we came upon a red and rose and sand-colored mountain vista that stretched as far as the eye could see… it was so awesome. It reminds me what Therese wrote of Switzerland: “With its towering mountains whose snow-capped peaks lost in the clouds… with waterfalls and deep valleys… The profusion of nature’s loveliness did so much good to my soul… I cannot say what an impression the magnificence and grandeur of these made on me – it was a foretaste of heaven.”

Yes Therese… yes… I’ve seen such handiwork in Colorado and California and Arizona… in vineyards and Canadian farmlands… Thanks to you dear Lord and Creator….

The Little Flower who recognized God’s Son in the Eucharist and God’s power in creation – she herself came up with the amazing Little Way… a way of recognizing God’s loving plan -- seeing us as a vision of different kinds of flowers in a garden. She said the Father does not inspire us to do what cannot be done… so if in you, there is a hunger for a new innocence, and love and holiness, Jesus will share Therese with you – she will come and fill you, good measure and flowing over.

Therese teaches that we are to stay little... unseen… it was she who is said to have started the use of Sacrifice Beads… doing little unseen acts of love and kindness for others. And if you would like a set of Little Flower Sacrifice Beads, send me an email and I’ll send you one free. I do not know how it happens that such as me talks this way about this yearning in her… this yearning in me… in us. But Therese wrote that we need only to speak simply and our Father never fails to understand.

Therese is here with me as I put together this reflection… she is with me when I walk… she looks at me with understanding when I am weak… but she reminds me that there is a fire in my soul and I do not yet know what fires my life is meant to ignite…. Nor what fires you are meant to ignite. Therese is doing good works here on earth – that’s what she promised. This is Deacon Tom… Blessings.




October 20, 2008

Note: The following reflection was done for broadcast on the Lisa Hendey podcast found at www.catholicmoments.com It is recorded there as a part of Lisa’s regular weekly program. For this month of October, I am doing five ‘reflections’ on The Little Flower. You can listen on-line on your computer, on your IPOD – or read them here. Blessings. DT.


Hi again dear friends of Catholic Moments and of St. Therese of Lisieux. As I finished last week’s Deacon Moment, I said I thought many of you had come to love this sweet young woman – that her special love has entered your hearts as it has mine. I’ve told a portion of this story before – but I’d like to repeat it…

I cannot pinpoint the exact reason where or why I started my own love affair with the Little Flower. Years ago, I listened to a sermon that touched on the life and personality and foibles of Therese. The priest ended his sermon by saying that he was so moved by her story that he lifted the book he had been reading and he kissed the picture of Therese. Imagine a priest saying that from the pulpit.

In later times, I learned that one of our deacon formation professors did his thesis on Therese… he has great devotion and speaks of her with much love and excitement.

When I read the book, STORY OF A SOUL – the diaries of Therese – I began to fall in love with her and you know what? I too lifted the book and kissed her picture there. If there is any singular reason that I am a convert to the Spirituality of Imperfection – it is in the teaching of Therese who led me to understand that God will accept me with my sins and weaknesses… He will see me for the flower that I am in his garden – maybe even a dandelion. But a work of God’s creation in which I serve Him by my existence and participation in His plans.

In later episodes, we’ll start to cover some of the words and the ideas of the Little Way…. ideas which resonate with so many hearts and souls. But for today, let us close this Deacon Moment by letting you know that we have two copies of the book STORY OF A SOUL. They will be given away in random drawings as follows… There is a wonderful website done by Maureen O’Riordan… it’s devoted to all things about St. Therese – the web address is www.thereseoflisieux.org On that site, go to the EMAIL ME link and enter your name and address. The second place to enter to win a copy of this book is by sending an email to lisahendey@gmail.com At the end of October, two names will be drawn and these folks will be sent a copy of the story of the life of Therese. Once again – www.thereseoflisieux.org and lisahendey@gmail.com to win a free copy of St. Therese’s book STORY OF A SOUL.

This is Deacon Tom. Blessings.




October 13, 2008

Note: The following reflection was done for broadcast on the Lisa Hendey podcast found at www.catholicmoments.com It is recorded there as a part of Lisa’s regular weekly program. For this month of October, I am doing five ‘reflections’ on The Little Flower. You can listen on-line on your computer, on your IPOD – or read them here. Blessings. DT.


On my desk as I prepare this second week of words about the Little Flower – just 18 inches in front of my eyes are two pictures of the beautiful, sweet Therese of Lisieux. She looks so young. I have been praying and asking what it is she would have me speak about as I do this series for listeners to Catholic Moments.

“Go ahead,” she says to me. “Tell them of my youth so they will know of my deep love of Jesus… But for those who see my story as syrupy, tell them also that I was spoiled and petulant and very fragile.” Yes, dear Therese – I will do my best.

Therese suffered the loss of her mother when she was but four years of age. As a reaction, it seems her father and sisters over-protected her – most certainly they babied her. And as a result she grew up wanting everything. If you and I have been around such children, we might call them spoiled.

But this desire for ‘everything’ may have been one of the keys to the all-consuming love of Jesus that Therese developed. But she certainly could be precocious and sensitive.

Those who have read the life story of the Little Flower are touched by her First Holy Communion experience. Dear friends – as a deacon, I have had the joy to help distribute Holy Communion to new adult converts or to children receiving this wonderful first sacrament. Let us hear how it was for Therese. Of this day, she wrote: “How lovely it was – the first kiss of Jesus. I knew I was loved and I told Jesus I will give myself to you forever.” “We were no longer two – for I had disappeared like a drop of water lost in the mighty ocean… All the joy of heaven had entered one small exiled heart.”

At 14, after midnight Mass on Christmas, 1886, an experience of personal growth and conversion happened in Therese. Something her father said provoked this change and the shadow of self-doubt, depression and uncertainty suddenly lifted from Therese, leaving her in possession of a new calm and inner conviction. The strength of the Christmas baby Jesus supplanted her childish weakness and began to transform her life.

There is so much to share with friends of Catholic Moments. What I truly believe has happened is that the love of this Little Flower has entered many of your hearts… as it has entered Lisa’s Hendey’s heart and mine as well. With God’s grace and direction, the Little Flower continues her work on earth through many of us.

And next week, a bit my own conversion to love of the Little Flower through her work in an Irish pastor. And we’ll add a few experiences of this young woman who became a doctor of the Church using the simplest methods of teaching and sharing.

This is Deacon Tom. Blessings.




October 6, 2008

Note: The following reflection was done for use on the Lisa Hendey podcast found at www.catholicmoments.com It is recorded there as a part of Lisa’s regular weekly program. For this month of October, I will do five ‘reflections’ on The Little Flower. You can listen on-line on your computer, on your IPOD – or read them here. Blessings. DT.


Dear Lisa Hendey has extended a special privilege to me – to take this month of October and to share each deacon moment about just one saint -- the one known as the Little Flower – or as St. Therese of Lisieux.

All children are precious – but I wonder do you have a beautiful daughter… a granddaughter or a neighbor child that seems to radiate God’s love when you look at her? I’ve experienced this from time to time… and if you look at the picture of Therese Martin as a young girl of perhaps six or seven – it isn’t hard to believe there was a special, holy love already burning inside the child.

Therese was born into a fairly well to do family on January 2 nd 1873, in Lisieux, France. Her family was quite Catholic – quite spiritual and this is evidenced in the later diaries of St. Therese. But I don’t want to jump too far ahead just yet… I’d like to spend this deacon moment on Therese as a child.

What was she like? Well – I have two brief childhood stories to share.

Therese wrote: “One time, I very nicely asked my sister to take down an inkstand that was on a shelf in the kitchen… I needed the help, as I was too little to reach it. She refused… and she often called me a ‘little brat’ when she was annoyed with me. Well – this time, I pushed a chair up, and standing quite tall and with dignity, I said to her, ‘YOU are a brat.’” Then I made my escape, leaving her to meditate on the profound statement I had just made.” Hmmm sounds like it could have been our kids… how about yours?

But then listen to another experience from the Little Flower’s diary: “During walks I took with Papa, he loved to have me bring alms to the poor we met on the way. On one occasion, we met a poor man who was dragging himself along painfully…. but he wouldn’t accept my offering since he felt he wasn’t poor enough to accept alms… But I remembered having heard that on your First Communion Day, we can obtain whatever we ask for… I said ‘I’ll pray for this poor man the day of my first Communion… and I kept my promise five years later… and I hope God answered the prayer.” Isn’t that tender? Beautiful?

So what you will find if you delve into the book, “Story of a Soul” is a girl who was impetuous, temperamental, sulky, sensitive and yet profoundly touched by her Catholic upbringing and her love of Jesus.

Therese’s mother and father are to be beatified on October 19 th 2008. I think they give us great example of what it means to raise children in a holy Catholic family. This is so evident in the young girl who would remember to pray for a poor person when she received her First Holy Communion.

We will see the unfolding of – the beginnings of the spirituality of imperfection. We have so much more to cover about this beautiful, October saint. Please join Catholic Moments again when next we talk about the teenage Therese and her determination and drive to become a nun. This is Deacon Tom… blessings.




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